Authentication Module, OracleAuth

OracleAuth enables you to authenticate against an Oracle server. You must already have an Oracle server setup and working before this module can be tested.

Installing and Setup

Some applications come with OracleAuth already built. If you have not got a build and/or require the lastest code it can be downloaded from the one of the links below:

Windows oracleauth20e.exe 68k


Building From Source:

If you are building OracleAuth from the source you will need to have a C compiler either cc or gcc and make. To build the command line prompt would be:


You will need to edit the config.i and set ORACLE_DIR to the correct source directory containing oratypes.h and other oracle 'header' files, and, ORACLE_LIBS to the required oracle library files. You will find the library files in a lib directory in the oracle installation, they are commonly files where X is the name of the lib, i.e. oci in which case you define ORACLE_LIBS to be -loci (-l meaning lib, and oci the name of the lib)

Configuration Options:

The configuration options below go in an oracleauth.ini file which is located in the same directory as the OracleAuth binary OR in a directory specified by the -path command line option.

Setting Default  
oracle_user This is the login username for the Oracle database.

This is the login password for the Oracle database.

oracle_db users This is the name of the Oracle database.
oracle_table maildb This is the table within the Oracle database to use.
field_user username This is the name of the field that contains the users username.
field_pass password This is the name of the field what contains the users password.
field_translate This setting allows you to translate field names, for example "field_translate forward fwd" will cause OracleAuth to read the "forward" field from the database and return it as "fwd", the opposite is true if you set a user and set fwd="foo" then oracleauth will set the forward field to "foo".
loglevel info The amount of data to log, error logs only errors, info logs errors and info, debug logs everything.
debug false If set to "true" has same effect as "loglevel debug".
domain The domain name, if set this domain name is appended to all usernames returned by all the commands. It is NOT appended to usernames added to the system.
use_sha true This tells OracleAuth to encrypt users passwords with our SSHA encryption routines. OracleAuth will now successfull check both SSHA and clear text passwords.


Command Line Options:

-path Tells OracleAuth where to create it's logfile and where to find it's config file.
-debug Sets the logging level to debug.

Supported Commands

The commands below are the list of commands that this module supports. For a full description about the command see Authentication Protocol

Command Parameters
check <user> <pass>
lookup <user>
set <user> <pass>|(NULL) [label="value"]
del <user>
search <string> [-from n] [-max m]