Below is a list of template variables available within every template page. (some are only available on pages when a user is logged in.) A list of template variables available only on specific pages, as well as a list of commands and what pages they show will be made available soon.

Identical variables can be sometimes accessed using different names and these are listed below identical descriptions.

Variables listed here are for the latest Beta version, and previous versions may not have some of these variables available.

Variable Example Value / Usage Description
Connection Dependant Variables
from_ip IP address the request was made from
isns4 ||ifdef||isns4||...||endif|| If connecting web browser is Netscape 4 or later
ismsie4 ||ifdef||ismsie4||...||endif|| If connecting web browser is Internet Explorer 4 or later (or IE compatible browser)
islinux ||ifdef||islinux||...||endif|| If connecting web browser is on a linux machine.
ismac ||ifdef||ismac||...||endif|| If connecting web browser is a macintosh machine.
isopera ||ifdef||isopera||...||endif|| If connecting web browser is an Opera web browser.
User Dependant Variables
tok 5_1_123456789 Current access token which must be supplied as a parameter to all requests
recent_ad_click ||ifdef||recent_ad_click||...||endif|| If user has clicked on an advertisement recently (as defined by config setting ad_click_recent_interval)
is_online ||ifdef||is_online||...||endif|| If user state is currently online
is_idle ||ifdef||is_idle||...||endif|| If user state is currently idle
is_offline ||ifdef||is_offline||...||endif|| If user state is currently offline
can_create_groups ||ifdef||can_create_groups||...||endif|| If user can create discussion groups
can_create_chats ||ifdef||can_create_chats||...||endif|| If user can create chat rooms
User Command Variables
base_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456789 Reference to server program with user token included. Used for forming the base of command urls.
vref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456789 Reference to server program with user token included. Used for forming the base of command urls.
vchat_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456789 Reference to server program with user token included. Used for forming the base of command urls.
main_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_top A reference to the first page displayed after login (which is their subscribed groups (main.htm) or their message list (messages.htm) if they have any unread messages)
list_groups_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_list_groups A link to their subscribed groups list (main.htm)
main2_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_main2 A reference to the frame that contains the menu, friends list and main window. (main_frame2.htm)
quick_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=quick_menu A reference the quick menu of links (q_menu.htm)
search_user_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=r_search_user A link to the search user page (search_user.htm)
search_group_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=r_search_group A link to the group finding page (search_group.htm)
ft_search_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=ft_search A link to the full text group searching page (ft_search.htm)
change_friends_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_friends2 A link to the page for changing their friends list (friends2.htm)
search_ugroup_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_ugroup_search A link for searching in user groups (ugroup_search.htm)
create_ugroup_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_new_ugroup A link for creating a new user group only if current user is allowed to create them (ugroup.htm)
list_ugroups_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_ugroup_list A link for managing and sending to their user groups (ugroup_list.htm)
logout_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd_logout=Logout A link to logout current user.
setup_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=cmd_setup A link to modify their user details (newuser.htm)
main_config_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=main_config_ref A link to server administration page (config.htm)
quick_config_ref dbabble?tok=5_1_123456678&cmd=main_config_ref A link to server administration page (config_short.htm)
admin ||ifdef||admin||...||endif|| If current user is administrator and connecting from a valid administrator ip address
root ||ifdef||root||...||endif|| If current user is administrator and connecting from a valid administrator ip address
root2 ||ifdef||root2||...||endif|| If current user is administrator but connecting from an invalid administrator ip address
Fixed Variables (same for all users, but may depend on current language and ini file settings)
date_now_long Thursday, May 24 2001 Current date with weekday (formatted according to lang/language.dat settings)
date_now_short May 24 2001 Current date (formatted according to lang/language.dat settings)
time_now 2:52 pm Current time (formatted according to lang/language.dat settings)
current_language English The current language name
current_template Standard The current template (web page style)
cur_tpl_dir English/Standard The current directory used for reading template pages
cur_img_dir img/English/Standard The current directory used for reading images from.
cur_help_dir help/English/Standard The current directory used for reading help files from.
server_info DBabble Windows NT Server Version 1.4f (May 24 2001) Information about what version of DBabble the server is
program_name DBabble The name of this program. Change this with the program_name configuration setting
win_program_name DBabble The name of windows client program. Change this with the program_name configuration setting
brand_text Brought to you by Netwin Ltd This is the value of the configuration setting brand_text
max_file_size 5,242,880 bytes The maximum size of any attached files. As defined by configuration setting max_file_size
local_name Local The name of this server as defined by configuration setting local_name
winclient_ref /files/DBabble14c_English.exe A reference to download the Windows client for the current language
winclient_size 1,003,621 bytes The size of the Windows client.
winclient_download_time should take about 2 minutes over a 56K modem Estimated download time based on Windows client size
winclient_name DBabble The name of windows client program. Change this with the program_name configuration setting
winclient_ver 1.4c The version number of the latest Windows client.
host_name Name of this server as defined by configuration setting "domain"
host Name of this server as defined by configuration setting "domain"
host_port 8132 The port the server is listening on as defined by config setting "port"
winclient_note For better performance try using the DBabble Windows Client The note and link about the Windows client.
program dbabble The program that appears in the url as defined by the config setting "program"
program_action dbabble The program that appears in the url as defined by the config setting "program"
vchat_program dbabble The program that appears in the url as defined by the config setting "program"
action dbabble The program that appears in the url as defined by the config setting "program"
program_version 1.4f The server version number
Variables that appear in our template pages for handling different types of server setups
can_pull ||ifdef||can_pull||...||endif|| If there is a NNTP server defined by the config setting pull_host for pulling news groups from
can_nntp_listen ||ifdef||can_nntp_listen||...||endif|| If this config setting nntp_listen is true
can_usenet ||ifdef||can_usenet||...||endif|| If this config setting nntp_listen is true or pull_host has a value
server_accepts_email ||ifdef||server_accepts_email||...||endif|| If this server is set up to accept incoming email (smtp_listen setting)
can_receive_from_email ||ifdef||can_receive_from_email||...||endif|| If DBabble accepts incoming email and converts it into instant messages for users
can_send_to_email ||ifdef||can_send_to_email||...||endif|| If users are allowed to send email messages from within DBabble
can_send_or_receive_email ||ifdef||can_send_or_receive_email||...||endif|| If users are allowed to send email or accepts incoming email to be converted to instant messages
can_send_to_phones ||ifdef||can_send_to_phones||...||endif|| If you have set up phone gateways so that users can send instant messages to mobile phones.
pop_host ||ifdef||pop_host||...||endif|| The value of the config setting auth_pop_host
external_auth ||ifdef||external_auth||...||endif|| If using an external authentication process
internal_auth ||ifdef||internal_auth||...||endif|| If using DBabble's internal authentication system
guest_logins ||ifdef||guest_logins||...||endif|| If guest logins are enabled on this server (config setting guest_logins)
ismaster ||ifdef||ismaster||...||endif|| If this is a master server for some other slave servers
isslave ||ifdef||isslave||...||endif|| If this is a slave server
local_only ||ifdef||local_only||...||endif|| If this is neither a slave or master server
add_all_friends_enabled ||ifdef||add_all_friends_enabled||...||endif|| If the current numbers of local users is less than the config setting user_max_add_all_friends
User Detail and Permission Values (from the DBabble server user_fields.dat file.)
user_user value User Name - Name used to login
user_pass value Password - Password used to login
user_name value Full Name - Your full name
user_display value Display Name - The name that others users see you as (nickname)
user_email value Email Address - Your email address
user_hello value Keywords/Interests - A list of interests or anything you want other users to see
user_country value Country - Your country of residence
user_city value City - Your city of residence
user_permissions value Permission Group - The permission group that your permissions are taken from. If specified, all other permission values take on the permissions of this permission group
user_quota value Message Quota - The amount of disk-space you are allowed for storing of messages
user_phone value Phone Number (work) -
user_fax value FAX Number -
user_address value Address -
user_state value State - Your state of residence within your country
user_email_home value Email Address (home) -
user_phone_home value Phone Number (home) -
user_fax_home value FAX Home (home) -
user_language value Language - The language that all text is displayed to you in
user_custom0 value Custom Field 0 - Whatever you want
user_custom1 value Custom Field 1 - Whatever you want
user_custom9 value Phone Number (mobile) -
user_birthday value Birthday - Date and year of birth
user_gender value Gender -
user_details_visible value User Details Visible To - Specifies which users are allowed to view your user details
user_messages_from value Accept Messages From - Specifies which users are allowed to send messages and talk requests to you
user_f_create_chats ||ifdef||user_f_create_chats||... Create Chat Rooms - Able to create chat rooms
user_f_create_groups ||ifdef||user_f_create_groups||... Create Discussions - Able to create discussion groups
user_f_root ||ifdef||user_f_root||... Administrator Permissions - Able to perform any server administrator functions
user_f_broadcast ||ifdef||user_f_broadcast||... Broadcast Messages - Able to broadcast instant messages to all users
user_f_create_global_chats ||ifdef||user_f_create_global_chats||... Create Global Chat Rooms - Able to create chat rooms that are accessible from other servers linked to this one
user_f_create_global_groups ||ifdef||user_f_create_global_groups||... Create Global Discussions - Able to create discussion groups that are accessible from other servers linked to this one
user_f_can_modify_account ||ifdef||user_f_can_modify_account||... Modify Account Details - Able to modify your own accounts details - for example your display name and birthday.
user_f_local_visible ||ifdef||user_f_local_visible||... Only Visible To Local Users - If set, then only local users are able to find you
user_f_banned ||ifdef||user_f_banned||... Banned -
user_f_create_ugroups ||ifdef||user_f_create_ugroups||... Create User Groups - Create User groups
user_f_ugroups_others_find ||ifdef||user_f_ugroups_others_find||... Create Non-Personal User Groups - Create user groups that other members can find
user_f_ugroups_all_others_find ||ifdef||user_f_ugroups_all_others_find||... Create Public User Groups - Create user groups that all other users can find
user_f_ugroups_others_see ||ifdef||user_f_ugroups_others_see||... Show User Groups To Others - Make user groups appear in other users lists
user_f_is_exempt ||ifdef||user_f_is_exempt||... Exempt from Footers - Exempt from having the standard footers added to discussion articles read and posted
user_f_delete_articles ||ifdef||user_f_delete_articles||... Can Delete and Moderate All Articles - Can delete and moderate discussion group articles from every discussion group
user_f_prevent_posting ||ifdef||user_f_prevent_posting||... Prevented From Posting to Discussions - Can not post articles to any discussion groups
user_f_modify_every_group ||ifdef||user_f_modify_every_group||... Can Modify Every Group - Can modify the properties of every chat and discussion group
user_f_modify_every_group_users ||ifdef||user_f_modify_every_group_users||... Can Modify Every Group Members - Can modify the members of every chat and discussion group
user_f_invite_create_accounts ||ifdef||user_f_invite_create_accounts||... Can Invite Users - Can invite users to join and create accounts for them
user_f_disable_jabber ||ifdef||user_f_disable_jabber||... Disable Using ICQ, MSN, etc - Disable communication with ICQ, MSN, etc users.
user_f_disable_chat_rooms ||ifdef||user_f_disable_chat_rooms||... Disable use of chat rooms -
user_f_disable_discussions ||ifdef||user_f_disable_discussions||... Disable use of discussion groups -
user_f_disable_user_groups ||ifdef||user_f_disable_user_groups||... Disable use of user groups -
user_f_disable_instant_messages ||ifdef||user_f_disable_instant_messages||... Disable user of instant messages -
user_f_disable_todo_feature ||ifdef||user_f_disable_todo_feature||... Disable use of the todo feature -
user_f_move_articles ||ifdef||user_f_move_articles||... Can move articles in any forum -
user_f_is_guest ||ifdef||user_f_is_guest||... If this user using a guest login
User Preference Values (versions 1.4k and later only)
pref_value_online_focus ||ifdef||pref_value_online_focus||... Notify when friends come online
pref_value_offline_focus ||ifdef||pref_value_offline_focus||... Notify when friends go offline
pref_value_page_size 30 Number of instant messages per page
pref_value_compose_width 60 Instant message composition box width
pref_value_compose_height 10 Instant message composition box height
pref_value_friends_window ||ifdef||pref_value_friends_window||... Display friends list in separate window
pref_value_friends_frame ||ifdef||pref_value_friends_frame||... Display friends list in a frame in main window
pref_value_item_window ||ifdef||pref_value_item_window||... Show discussion group articles in separate window
pref_value_show_read_items ||ifdef||pref_value_show_read_items||... Show read discussion group items when viewing them.
pref_value_show_only_unmoderated_items ||ifdef||pref_value_show_only_unmoderated_items||... Show only unmoderated articles in discussion groups (moderators only)
pref_value_thread_items ||ifdef||pref_value_thread_items||... View group items as tree
pref_value_menu_at_top ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_at_top||... List of links at top of window instead of on left.
pref_value_all_users_friends ||ifdef||pref_value_all_users_friends||... Automatically add new users to friends list.
pref_value_discussion_signature   Signature appended to discussion group posts.
pref_value_message_signature   Signature appended to instant messages
pref_value_notify_chats ||ifdef||pref_value_notify_chats||... Notify user when something is said in non-focussed chat room windows.
pref_value_notify_talks ||ifdef||pref_value_notify_talks||... Notify user when something is said in non-focussed talk windows.
pref_value_recent_first ||ifdef||pref_value_recent_first||... Show recent instant messages at top
pref_value_discussion_recent_first ||ifdef||pref_value_discussion_recent_first||... Show recent discussion messages at top
pref_value_sent_attachments ||ifdef||pref_value_sent_attachments||... Record copies of sent attachments
pref_value_try_reconnect ||ifdef||pref_value_try_reconnect||... Automatically try to reconnect to server when connection has been lost.
pref_value_auto_del_read ||ifdef||pref_value_auto_del_read||... Automatically delete read messages
pref_value_auto_del_read_time 28 Number of days after which old read messages are deleted
pref_value_auto_del_sent ||ifdef||pref_value_auto_del_sent||... Automatically delete sent messages
pref_value_auto_del_sent_time 28 Number of days after which send messages are deleted
pref_value_remind_in 2 Default number of minutes for "Remind In" button for instant messages
pref_value_reply_below ||ifdef||pref_value_reply_below||... Reply to messages below original text
pref_value_delete_after_reply ||ifdef||pref_value_delete_after_reply||... If delete after replying checkbox defaults to on when replying to instant message
pref_value_delete_after_forward ||ifdef||pref_value_delete_after_forward||... If delete after forwarding checkbox defaults to on when forwarding an instant message
pref_value_talk_beeps ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_beeps||... Can be beeped in talk sessions
pref_value_lost_connections ||ifdef||pref_value_lost_connections||... If notified when connection to server is lost
pref_value_popup_windows ||ifdef||pref_value_popup_windows||... Immediately display incoming messages rather than flashing the tray icon
pref_value_tray_flash ||ifdef||pref_value_tray_flash||... Flash the tray icon for incoming messages
pref_value_main_icon ||ifdef||pref_value_main_icon||... Flash an icon in the main window for incoming messages
pref_value_double_click_open ||ifdef||pref_value_double_click_open||... Double click opens new window for instant messages
pref_value_task_bar_main ||ifdef||pref_value_task_bar_main||... If the main window has an associated task bar icon
pref_value_task_bar_messages2 ||ifdef||pref_value_task_bar_messages2||... Show task bar icons for message windows
pref_value_task_bar_other ||ifdef||pref_value_task_bar_other||... Show task bar icons for other windows
pref_value_talk_on_top2 ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_on_top2||... Talk windows are always on top of other windows
pref_value_extra_icon ||ifdef||pref_value_extra_icon||... Show flashing image in corner of screen for new messages
pref_value_icon_pos 3 Which corner to display flashing image in 0=top-left 1=top-right 2=bottom-left 3=bottom-right
pref_value_icon_base 1 Screen corner image base size
pref_value_icon_full 10 Screen corner image full size
pref_value_allow_tabs ||ifdef||pref_value_allow_tabs||... When composing instant message, insert tabs into message (or tab to send button if not on)
pref_value_idle_on ||ifdef||pref_value_idle_on||... If appear as idle after a few minutes of inactivity
pref_value_idle_time 2 Number of minutes after which appear idle
pref_value_offline_idle_on ||ifdef||pref_value_offline_idle_on||... If appear offline after a few minutes of inactivity
pref_value_offline_time 30 Number of minutes after which appear offline
pref_value_tell_upgrades ||ifdef||pref_value_tell_upgrades||... Notify when new versions of windows client available for download from this server
pref_value_forward_to_email ||ifdef||pref_value_forward_to_email||... If forwarding to email address is enabled when offline
pref_value_forward_to_email_address   The email address forwarded to
pref_value_forward_to_email_delete ||ifdef||pref_value_forward_to_email_delete||... Delete original message after forwarding to email
pref_value_forward_to_email_online ||ifdef||pref_value_forward_to_email_online||... Forward to email when online too
pref_value_forward_to_email_high_only ||ifdef||pref_value_forward_to_email_high_only||... Forward only high priority messages to email
pref_value_forward_to_email_sent ||ifdef||pref_value_forward_to_email_sent||... Forward sent messages to email too
pref_value_accept_from_email ||ifdef||pref_value_accept_from_email||... Accept incoming email and convert to instant messages
pref_value_message_inform_priority 0 What priority messages receive normal notification -1=All 0=Normal& High 1=High Only 2=None
pref_value_low_priority_action 0 For low priority messages what to do: 0=Flash tray 1=Change tray color 2=Nothing
pref_value_low_priority_sound ||ifdef||pref_value_low_priority_sound||... Play sound for low priority messages
pref_value_custom_text_1   Custom Text Preference 1
pref_value_custom_text_2   Custom Text Preference 2
pref_value_custom_text_3   Custom Text Preference 3
pref_value_custom_text_4   Custom Text Preference 4
pref_value_custom_text_5   Custom Text Preference 5
pref_value_custom_check_1 ||ifdef||pref_value_custom_check_1||... Custom Checkbox Preference 1
pref_value_custom_check_2 ||ifdef||pref_value_custom_check_2||... Custom Checkbox Preference 2
pref_value_custom_check_3 ||ifdef||pref_value_custom_check_3||... Custom Checkbox Preference 3
pref_value_custom_check_4 ||ifdef||pref_value_custom_check_4||... Custom Checkbox Preference 4
pref_value_custom_check_5 ||ifdef||pref_value_custom_check_5||... Custom Checkbox Preference 5
pref_value_use_color ||ifdef||pref_value_use_color||... Change color of reply text and highlight http links in messages
pref_value_fetch_details ||ifdef||pref_value_fetch_details||... Fetch user state for non-friends from server when composing a new message
pref_value_play_sound ||ifdef||pref_value_play_sound||... Play Sound for new messages
pref_value_play_sound_name   Sound name to play for new messages
pref_value_im_hot_key 0 Hot Key for sending new instant messages. This value is stored as an integer value. To find out what key combination corresponds to a particular integer, set a hot key yourself in the windows client, and have a look at value 78 in your info.dat file (e.g users/u0/1/info.dat)
pref_value_im_clip_hot_key 0 Hot Key for sending new instant messages containing contents of clipboard
pref_value_friends_hot_key 0 Hot Key for viewing friends list
pref_value_messages_hot_key 0 Hot Key for viewing old messages list
pref_value_groups_hot_key 0 Hot Key for viewing groups list
pref_value_user_groups_hot_key 0 Hot Key for viewing user groups list
pref_value_read_msg_hot_key 0 Hot Key for displaying next incoming message
pref_value_low_priority_info_check ||ifdef||pref_value_low_priority_info_check||... Briefly show information about low priority messages above system clock.
pref_value_low_priority_info_time 5 Number of seconds that information about low priority messages is displayed above system clock for
pref_value_normal_priority_info_check ||ifdef||pref_value_normal_priority_info_check||... Briefly show information about normal priority messages above system clock.
pref_value_normal_priority_info_time 5 Number of seconds that information about normal priority messages is displayed above system clock for
pref_value_high_priority_info_check ||ifdef||pref_value_high_priority_info_check||... Briefly show information about high priority messages above system clock.
pref_value_high_priority_info_time 600 Number of seconds that information about high priority messages is displayed above system clock for
pref_value_talk_transcripts ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_transcripts||... Record transcripts of private conversation content
pref_value_chat_transcripts ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_transcripts||... Record transcripts of chat room content
pref_value_ugroup_no_self_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_ugroup_no_self_messages||... Never receive user group messages you send
pref_value_max_cur_messages 10000 Maximum number of messages to insert into message list
pref_value_add_shell_menus ||ifdef||pref_value_add_shell_menus||... Add "Send using DBabble" option to Windows explorer right-click menu
pref_value_check_email_1   Email checking host 1. Do not modify the defaults of this directly. Instead use the check_email_... configuration settings
pref_value_check_email_2   Email checking host 2.
pref_value_check_email_3   Email checking host 3.
pref_value_check_email_4   Email checking host 4.
pref_value_check_email_5   Email checking host 5.
pref_value_reply_maintain_priority ||ifdef||pref_value_reply_maintain_priority||... Maintain instant message priority when replying to messages
pref_value_web_refresh_interval 10 Check for new messages this often
pref_value_refocus_message_window 60 Refocus instant message window after it has been un-focussed for this many seconds
pref_value_auto_del_trash ||ifdef||pref_value_auto_del_trash||... Automatically delete messages in trash
pref_value_auto_del_trash_time 7 Number of days after which messages in trash are permanently deleted
pref_value_save_messages_to_disk_default ||ifdef||pref_value_save_messages_to_disk_default||... Save copies of instant message on local disk drive. This just specifies the default value for a preference that is stored in the Windows client on a per user per machine basis
pref_value_not_used 1 No longer used
pref_value_icq_enabled ||ifdef||pref_value_icq_enabled||... Log into the given ICQ account
pref_value_icq_number   Existing ICQ account number
pref_value_icq_password   Existing ICQ account password
pref_value_mark_unread_on_open ||ifdef||pref_value_mark_unread_on_open||... Mark messages as unread (until they are closed again) when opening them in a separate window
pref_value_show_friends_online_ago ||ifdef||pref_value_show_friends_online_ago||... Show time since friends were last online in friends list
pref_value_dismiss_alert_hot_key 0 Hot Key for dismissing message alert
pref_value_open_links_in_new_window ||ifdef||pref_value_open_links_in_new_window||... Open hyperlinks in new web browser windows rather than existing web browser windows
pref_value_quote_forward ||ifdef||pref_value_quote_forward||... When forwarding messages, quote the original text
pref_value_signature_below_original ||ifdef||pref_value_signature_below_original||... When replying to messages, place signature below original message
pref_value_update_friend_names ||ifdef||pref_value_update_friend_names||... Synchronize names in friends list with friend display names. (only applies to friends who are local users)
pref_value_refresh_group_list ||ifdef||pref_value_refresh_group_list||... Check subscribed groups for new items once a minute
pref_value_show_delete_button ||ifdef||pref_value_show_delete_button||... Show Delete button in instant messages window
pref_value_show_forward_button ||ifdef||pref_value_show_forward_button||... Show Forward button in instant messages window
pref_value_show_remind_button ||ifdef||pref_value_show_remind_button||... Show Remind button in instant messages window
pref_value_tray_click_quick_message ||ifdef||pref_value_tray_click_quick_message||... Show quick message window when left clicking on tray icon
pref_value_default_quick_message_on_top ||ifdef||pref_value_default_quick_message_on_top||... Keep quick message window on top of other windows
pref_value_default_show_quick_message_window ||ifdef||pref_value_default_show_quick_message_window||... Show the quick message window
pref_value_recent_friends_only ||ifdef||pref_value_recent_friends_only||... Show only friends who have been contacted recently
pref_value_recent_friends_time 10080 Number of minutes before friends are considered not contacted recently. Default of 10080 minutes=7 days
pref_value_online_friends_only ||ifdef||pref_value_online_friends_only||... Show only friends who are online in quick message window
pref_value_todo_visibility 0 Which group of users this users todo list is visible to. 0=Me 1=local 2=everyone 3=friends . For a particular user group, use 1000+(second number in user group id)
pref_value_todo_show ||ifdef||pref_value_todo_show||... If user wants to be shown their to do list on a regular basis.
pref_value_todo_show_time 540 Number of minutes past midnight for showing todo list at.
pref_value_todo_show_repeat 60 Repeat showing todo list every this many minutes.
pref_value_todo_hot_key 0 Hot Key for viewing todo list
pref_value_show_add_to_friends_button ||ifdef||pref_value_show_add_to_friends_button||... Show 'Add to friends' button in instant messages window
pref_value_message_notify_priority 0 What priority messages to be notified about 0=All 1=Normal& High 2=High Only 3=None
pref_value_default_tool_dock_desktop ||ifdef||pref_value_default_tool_dock_desktop||... Default for whether the quick message window should dock to the desktop
pref_value_tool_show_friends_checkboxes ||ifdef||pref_value_tool_show_friends_checkboxes||... Whether to show the show the 2 friend checkboxes in the quick message window
pref_value_tool_show_window_checkboxes ||ifdef||pref_value_tool_show_window_checkboxes||... Whether to show the 'dock' and 'on top' checkboxes in the quick message window
pref_value_tool_show_buttons ||ifdef||pref_value_tool_show_buttons||... Whether to show the buttons in the quick message window
pref_value_tool_show_caption ||ifdef||pref_value_tool_show_caption||... Whether to show the window caption for the quick message window
pref_value_recent_tool_friends_only ||ifdef||pref_value_recent_tool_friends_only||... Show only friends who have been online recently in the quick message window
pref_value_chat_play_sound ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_play_sound||... Play sound when anything is said in chat rooms
pref_value_talk_play_sound ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_play_sound||... Play sound when anything is said in talk windows
pref_value_use_system_resources 2 Whether or not to use extra system resources for increased speed. Using extra system resources does not matter on an NT based OS. 0=No 1=Yes 2=(yes on NT/2000, no on 95/98/ME)
pref_value_remove_friend_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_remove_friend_messages||... Remove friend state change messages
pref_value_remove_friend_messages_time 60 Number of seconds after which friend state change messages are removed
pref_value_hide_aged_friends ||ifdef||pref_value_hide_aged_friends||... Hide friends who have been not been online in a long time.
pref_value_hide_aged_friends_time 60 Number of days after which friends who have not been online are hidden from your friends list.
pref_value_online_friends_only_time 0 Number of seconds ago that friends may have been online for them to still show up when the 'online friends only' checkbox is on.
pref_value_online_msg   Current Online status message
pref_value_online_msg1   Custom online message 1
pref_value_online_msg2   Custom online message 2
pref_value_online_msg3   Custom online message 3
pref_value_offline_msg   Current Offline status message
pref_value_offline_msg1   Custom offline message 1
pref_value_offline_msg2   Custom offline message 2
pref_value_offline_msg3   Custom offline message 3
pref_value_client_wide_online_msg ||ifdef||pref_value_client_wide_online_msg||... If on, then the online status message is kept the same from whatever location the user connects from.
pref_value_menu_merge_state ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_state||... Merge state menu
pref_value_menu_merge_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_messages||... Merge message to menu
pref_value_menu_merge_ugroups ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_ugroups||... Merge message to user group menu
pref_value_menu_merge_groups ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_groups||... Merge message to group menu
pref_value_menu_merge_notify ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_notify||... Merge notify menu
pref_value_menu_merge_view ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_view||... Merge view menu
pref_value_menu_merge_search ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_search||... Merge search menu
pref_value_menu_merge_go_to_group ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_go_to_group||... Merge go to group menu
pref_value_menu_merge_talk ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_talk||... Merge talk menu
pref_value_menu_merge_state_online_message ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_state_online_message||... Merge online state message menu
pref_value_menu_merge_state_offline_message ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_state_offline_message||... Merge offline state message menu
pref_value_menu_show_recent_only ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_show_recent_only||... Show only recently contacted friends in top-level message-to menu
pref_value_menu_show_online_only ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_show_online_only||... Show only online friends in top-level message-to menu
pref_value_menu_show_online_or_idle_only ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_show_online_or_idle_only||... Show only online/idle friends in top-level message-to menu
pref_value_quick_message_hot_key 0 Hot Key for displaying quick message window
pref_value_set_online_hot_key 0 Hot Key for setting state to online
pref_value_set_offline_hot_key 0 Hot Key for setting state to offline
pref_value_set_offline_message_hot_key 0 Hot Key for setting state to offline, and entering a message an offline message
pref_value_show_status_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_show_status_messages||... Show friend status messages in friends window after friend names
pref_value_shown_transcript_message ||ifdef||pref_value_shown_transcript_message||... If this value is false, then the user is informed that a transcript of the talk/chat session they are closing has been saved in their old instant messages. This value is automatically set to true after the first time they have seen the message
pref_value_reminders_at_top ||ifdef||pref_value_reminders_at_top||... If true reminder messages are always listed before other instant messages in user's list of old instant messages
pref_value_menu_show_offline_times ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_show_offline_times||... Show time since friends were last online in friend menus
pref_value_menu_show_status_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_show_status_messages||... Show status messages in friend menus
pref_value_tray_left_click_send_message ||ifdef||pref_value_tray_left_click_send_message||... Show 'send message popup menu' when left clicking on tray icon
pref_value_icon_speed 10 Speed of flashing notification icon in corner of screen
pref_value_cur_tip_index 0 Index of next tip to be displayed
pref_value_tip_combo_index 1 0=Never show tips 1=Show tips on startup and once a day 2=Show tips on startup 3=Show tips once a day
pref_value_menu_merge_recent_from ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_recent_from||... Merge most recent message from menu
pref_value_show_message_ids ||ifdef||pref_value_show_message_ids||... Show message-ids when viewing instant messages
pref_value_im_fixed_font ||ifdef||pref_value_im_fixed_font||... Show instant message contents using fixed width font
pref_value_disc_fixed_font ||ifdef||pref_value_disc_fixed_font||... Show discussion group message contents using fixed width font
pref_value_data_fixed_font ||ifdef||pref_value_data_fixed_font||... Show attachments contents using fixed width font
pref_value_most_recent_message_hot_key 0 Hot Key for viewing most recent message
pref_value_send_message_on_ctrl_s ||ifdef||pref_value_send_message_on_ctrl_s||... If pressing ctrl-s sends the instant message being composed
pref_value_show_next_message_user_buttons ||ifdef||pref_value_show_next_message_user_buttons||... Show previous and next message from same user buttons in message viewing window.
pref_value_set_read_on_open ||ifdef||pref_value_set_read_on_open||... Mark instant messages as read as soon as they are opened in a new window in web browsers.
pref_value_add_shell_menus2 ||ifdef||pref_value_add_shell_menus2||... Add "Send using DBabble To" options to Windows explorer right-click menu
pref_value_refresh_user_states_in_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_refresh_user_states_in_messages||... Redraw user state every second if it has changed while viewing instant messages
pref_value_custom_drawn_menus ||ifdef||pref_value_custom_drawn_menus||... If menus are drawn using the current font and color scheme instead of using default Windows drawn menus
pref_value_group_no_self_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_group_no_self_messages||... Never receive discussion group messages you send
pref_value_tray_menu_items   Space separated list of menu item identifiers for right-click tray menu.
pref_value_min_rating 2.0 The minimum rating that discussion group messages must have before they can be viewed (a number between 1 and 5). The value is only used as a default for newly visited groups. After changing the minimum rating within a group, a separate value is stored for that group only.
pref_value_menu_show_no_friends ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_show_no_friends||... 'No friends' option is selected for 'Friends to Show'
pref_value_show_all_friends_sub_menu ||ifdef||pref_value_show_all_friends_sub_menu||... Whether or not 'All Friends' sub-menu is available
pref_value_show_friends_to_show_sub_menu ||ifdef||pref_value_show_friends_to_show_sub_menu||... Whether or not 'Friends to Show' sub-menu is available
pref_value_show_add_friends_sub_menu ||ifdef||pref_value_show_add_friends_sub_menu||... Whether or not 'Add to Friends' sub-menu is available
pref_value_show_discussion_group_sub_menu ||ifdef||pref_value_show_discussion_group_sub_menu||... Whether or not 'Discussion group' sub-menu is available in message sending menus
pref_value_show_user_group_sub_menu ||ifdef||pref_value_show_user_group_sub_menu||... Whether or not 'User Group' sub-menu is available in message sending menus
pref_value_show_show_this_menu_option ||ifdef||pref_value_show_show_this_menu_option||... Whether or not the 'show this menu on left-click' option appears in the left-click on tray icon menu
pref_value_show_main_window_option ||ifdef||pref_value_show_main_window_option||... Whether or not the 'show main window' option appears in the left-click on tray icon menu
pref_value_show_ratings ||ifdef||pref_value_show_ratings||... Whether or not user wants to see ratings for groups that use them.
pref_value_show_menu ||ifdef||pref_value_show_menu||... If the menu with the list of links is displayed. If off, then the links are all available as a drop down menu in main window.
pref_value_use_discussions ||ifdef||pref_value_use_discussions||... Whether or not this user wants to see discussion groups
pref_value_use_chat_rooms ||ifdef||pref_value_use_chat_rooms||... Whether or not this user wants to see chat rooms
pref_value_use_instant_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_use_instant_messages||... Whether or not this user wants to see instant messages
pref_value_use_user_groups ||ifdef||pref_value_use_user_groups||... Whether or not this user wants to see user groups
pref_value_only_show_simple ||ifdef||pref_value_only_show_simple||... Only show simple menu items in right click on tray icon menu
pref_value_send_retry ||ifdef||pref_value_send_retry||... Automatically try and resend failed instant messages every 15 seconds.
pref_value_max_friends_in_menu 100 Maximum number of friends to insert into a popup menu. With more than a few hundred popup menus can get very slow.
pref_value_no_quick_message_on_double ||ifdef||pref_value_no_quick_message_on_double||... Never show quick message window when double clicking on the tray icon.
pref_value_show_user_names ||ifdef||pref_value_show_user_names||... Display full user name of instant message sender after their display name.
pref_value_use_encryption ||ifdef||pref_value_use_encryption||... Use public key encryption. Note - all encryption preferences are stored client side rather than server side for security reasons. You will not be able to modify encryption preferences for users after they have first set them.
pref_value_encrypt_clear_password ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_clear_password||... Clear password from memory when setting state to offline or idle
pref_value_encrypt_save_to_disk ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_save_to_disk||... Save decrypted messages to disk.
pref_value_encrypt_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_messages||... If possible, encrypt all messages sent.
pref_value_encrypt_sign ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_sign||... Digitally sign messages
pref_value_encrypt_warn ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_warn||... Warn if encryption not possible when trying to send an encrypted message to a recipient who doesn't have a public key.
pref_value_encrypt_check_keys_on_send ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_check_keys_on_send||... When sending an encrypted message, check if the recipient has started or stopped using public key encryption
pref_value_encrypt_warn_user_groups_changing ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_warn_user_groups_changing||... When sending an encrypted message to a user group, warn if the use group members list is not what it was last time you sent a message to the group
pref_value_encrypt_no_cert_on_server ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_no_cert_on_server||... For client to clear their public key form the server so users don't send them encrypted messages any more, but they still retain their key privately for reading old messages.
pref_value_encrypt_warn_download_certs ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_warn_download_certs||... When sending an encrypted message to someone you have not previously sent an encrypted message to, prompt after downloading the certificate from the server if it is correct
pref_value_encrypt_done_setup ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_done_setup||... If this user has used DBabble and chosen whether or not to set up their private key.
pref_value_show_close_button ||ifdef||pref_value_show_close_button||... Show Close button in instant messages window
pref_value_show_smileys ||ifdef||pref_value_show_smileys||... Replace smiley text with images
pref_value_encrypt_clear_password_time_on ||ifdef||pref_value_encrypt_clear_password_time_on||... Clear password from memory after x seconds
pref_value_encrypt_clear_password_time 60 Clear password from memory this many seconds after entering it
pref_value_command_line_sending_on ||ifdef||pref_value_command_line_sending_on||... Allow the command line instant message sending program to send messages using the Windows client
pref_value_auto_accept_talk_requests ||ifdef||pref_value_auto_accept_talk_requests||... Automatically accept talk requests instead of asking user if they want to accept it
pref_value_double_click_makes_talk_request ||ifdef||pref_value_double_click_makes_talk_request||... Double clicking on a user initiates a talk request with them instead of opening the instant message composition window
pref_value_talk_show_typing ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_show_typing||... Show text as you type it in private conversation windows rather than sending it all once at the end of each line
pref_value_user_group_popup_send_options ||ifdef||pref_value_user_group_popup_send_options||... Popup filter options when clicking on send button for user group messages
pref_value_discussion_close_articles ||ifdef||pref_value_discussion_close_articles||... Close discussion group article windows when closing the discussion group window.
pref_value_allow_im_sorting ||ifdef||pref_value_allow_im_sorting||... If the instant message list can be sorted differently by clicking on message headers. Right clicking allows user to change preference. Useful to prevent accidental sorting when trying to click on top message in list.
pref_value_show_subject_for_new_email_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_show_subject_for_new_email_messages||... Show subject field when composing new instant messages to email addresses
pref_value_show_subject_for_all_new_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_show_subject_for_all_new_messages||... Show subject field when composing instant messages
pref_value_chat_show_times ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_times||... Show times in chat rooms
pref_value_chat_show_full_user_name_list ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_full_user_name_list||... Show full user names in user present list in chat rooms
pref_value_chat_show_full_user_name_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_full_user_name_messages||... Show full user names in messages list in chat rooms
pref_value_chat_show_present_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_present_messages||... Show enter/leave chat room messages
pref_value_menu_merge_switch_account ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_switch_account||... Merge switch account tray popup menu
pref_value_cache_attachments ||ifdef||pref_value_cache_attachments||... Cache attachment downloads on local disk drive. (only works if preference to save old instant messages to disk is on too)
pref_value_cache_attachments_time 365 Number of days to cache attachment downloads for.
pref_value_chat_show_attachment_panel ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_attachment_panel||... Show attachment sending options in chat rooms.
pref_value_chat_show_checkbox_panel ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_checkbox_panel||... Show checkbox options in chat rooms (play sound and focus when something is said)
pref_value_invert_sorting_arrows ||ifdef||pref_value_invert_sorting_arrows||... Invert the arrow images in column headings for sorting
pref_value_set_idle_on_full_screen ||ifdef||pref_value_set_idle_on_full_screen||... Set state to idle when using a full screen application
pref_value_message_inform_priority_fs 0 Same as message_inform_priority preference, but applies when using a full screen application
pref_value_message_notify_priority_fs 0 Same as message_notify_priority preference, but applies when using a full screen application
pref_value_set_idle_hot_key 0 Hot Key for setting state to idle
pref_value_search_messages_hot_key 0 Hot Key for searching old instant messages
pref_value_quote_replies ||ifdef||pref_value_quote_replies||... Quote original message when replying to instant messages
pref_value_quote_gateway_replies ||ifdef||pref_value_quote_gateway_replies||... Quote original message when replying to gateway instant messages (ICQ, MSN, etc)
pref_value_jabber_gateways   List of Jabber gateways, names, and passwords for ICQ, MSN, etc.
pref_value_web_show_page ||ifdef||pref_value_web_show_page||... 0=Show subscribed groups page after login. 1=Show old instant messages after login
pref_value_show_expanded_threads ||ifdef||pref_value_show_expanded_threads||... When opening a discussion group show all threads expanded
pref_value_expand_threads_on_double_click ||ifdef||pref_value_expand_threads_on_double_click||... Expand discussion group threads when double clicking on them instead of opening the article in a separate window
pref_value_unread_threads_only ||ifdef||pref_value_unread_threads_only||... When viewing discussion groups, show only threads containing unread articles
pref_value_watched_threads_only ||ifdef||pref_value_watched_threads_only||... When viewing discussion groups, show only threads that are marked as being watched
pref_value_show_ignored_threads ||ifdef||pref_value_show_ignored_threads||... When viewing discussion groups, show threads that have been marked as ignored
pref_value_ask_add_friends ||ifdef||pref_value_ask_add_friends||... When sending an instant message to a user not on your friends list, ask if they should be added
pref_value_auto_delete_attachments 0 0=Ask if should delete instant message attachments from server after downloading. 1=Always delete from server after downloading 2=Never delete from server after downloading.
pref_value_show_file_button ||ifdef||pref_value_show_file_button||... Show File to Folder button in instant messages window
pref_value_send_msg_on_enter ||ifdef||pref_value_send_msg_on_enter||... Send chat mode messages when pressing enter
pref_value_chat_show_my_typing2 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_my_typing2||... Show chat mode text I say as I type it (2 participants)
pref_value_chat_show_my_typing3 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_my_typing3||... Show chat mode text I say as I type it (3 participants)
pref_value_chat_show_my_typing4 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_my_typing4||... Show chat mode text I say as I type it (4 or more participants)
pref_value_chat_show_others_typing2 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_others_typing2||... Show chat mode text others say as they type it (2 participants)
pref_value_chat_show_others_typing3 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_others_typing3||... Show chat mode text others say as they type it (3 participants)
pref_value_chat_show_others_typing4 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_others_typing4||... Show chat mode text others say as they type it (4 participants)
pref_value_chat_mode_gateway_users ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_gateway_users||... Start in chat mode for communication with gateway users (ICQ, MSN, etc)
pref_value_chat_mode_email_users ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_email_users||... Start in chat mode for communication with email users
pref_value_chat_mode_other_users ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_other_users||... Start in chat mode for communication with other users
pref_value_chat_mode_typing_checkboxes ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_typing_checkboxes||... Show chat mode typing checkboxes
pref_value_show_talk_feature ||ifdef||pref_value_show_talk_feature||... Show the talk (private conversation) feature that is now obsolete (due to instant message chat mode) except for use with older clients and web browser users.
pref_value_chat_mode_full_names ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_full_names||... Show the full user names of users in instant message chat mode for the first message from each user
pref_value_chat_notify_saying ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_notify_saying||... Notify user when anything is partially typed in instant message chat mode when they don't have the window focussed.
pref_value_chat_mode_full_names2 ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_full_names2||... Show the full user names of users in instant message chat mode after the first message from each user
pref_value_available_for_online_support ||ifdef||pref_value_available_for_online_support||... Available for online support on any computer
pref_value_available_for_online_support2 ||ifdef||pref_value_available_for_online_support2||... Available for online support currently. This preference value is replaced on login to be the same as available_for_online_support unless the user has a computer specific setting
pref_value_menu_merge_state_online_support ||ifdef||pref_value_menu_merge_state_online_support||... Merge online support options in tray popup menu
pref_value_online_support_all_hot_key 0 Hot Key for switching on/off availability for online support on all computers
pref_value_online_support_this_hot_key 0 Hot Key for switching on/off availability for online support on this computer
pref_value_talk_notify_partial_typing ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_notify_partial_typing||... Notify about partial typing in talk windows while the window isn't focussed
pref_value_talk_show_checkboxes ||ifdef||pref_value_talk_show_checkboxes||... Show checkboxes at bottom of talk windows.
pref_value_set_idle_hot_key2 0 Hot Key for setting state to idle until you move the mouse or press a key
pref_value_set_offline_hot_key2 0 Hot Key for setting state to offline until you move the mouse or press a key
pref_value_chat_notify_present_messages ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_notify_present_messages||... Notify about enter chat room messages while chat window not focussed
pref_value_chat_mode_user_groups ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_mode_user_groups||... Start in chat mode for communication with user groups
pref_value_chat_show_invite_button ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_show_invite_button||... Show invite button in chat rooms
pref_value_chat_dock_manual_opened ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_dock_manual_opened||... Dock manually opened chat rooms to main window
pref_value_chat_dock_auto_opened ||ifdef||pref_value_chat_dock_auto_opened||... Dock automatically opened chat rooms to main window
pref_value_chat_dock_position 1 Position on main window to dock chat rooms to. 0=left 1=right 2=top 3=bottom
pref_value_chat_dock_width 250 Width in pixels of chat rooms docked to left or right of main window
pref_value_chat_dock_height 200 Height in pixels of chat rooms docked to top or bottom of main window
pref_value_friends_only_in_message_user_list ||ifdef||pref_value_friends_only_in_message_user_list||... Only display friends and subscribed groups in old instant message user list
pref_value_immediate_reconnect ||ifdef||pref_value_immediate_reconnect||... Immediately try and reconnect to server when connection is lost.
pref_value_shut_down_hot_key 0 Hot Key for shutting down DBabble
pref_value_printer_font_size 11 Printer font size (0=use screen font size)
pref_value_printer_margins 15 Printer margins (in millimiters, 25mm=1 inch)
Configuration (initialisation) File Settings
ini_* ||ifdef||ini_*||... Replace the * by the name of any configuration setting flag value. For example ||ifdef||ini_smtp_listen||
ini_* value Replace the * by the name of any configuration setting non-flag value. For example ||ini_manager||